Since 1893, Rio Grande Company has provided a wealth of masonry supplies for commercial and residential mason contractors. Our locally mined and produced aggregates are stocked in our Denver yard for quick, easy loading, or can be delivered direct to your jobsite batching area. We carry a full line of masonry accessories, from joint reinforcing wire and rebar, veneer anchors, flashings, cleaning chemicals, and water repellants. At Rio Grande, our knowledgeable staff can help with those hard to find items through our extensive family of suppliers and vendors. We can also guide you to the right products, to do the job right the first time.
Brands We Carry
Hohmann and Barnard
Hohmann & Barnard is the global leader in the masonry market. Our mission is to develop and empower our TEAM as we partner with building professionals in our vision for providing innovative systems for a dynamic construction industry.
Masonry Technology Inc.
Masonry Technology Inc was founded over 25 years ago by John Koester. As a card-carrying mason, owner of a Minneapolis construction company, and experienced waterproofer, John saw opportunities for improving how buildings deal with incidental moisture.
Eighty years of success in the construction industry doesn’t happen randomly — it’s been made possible through a fine-tuned combination of industry-leading chemistry, and the right people to partner with you. We do whatever we can to solve our customers’ problems in a constantly evolving business.
Seves Glass Block
From humble beginnings in the Pacific Northwest, we revolutionized the industry with the introduction of the contemporary, clean-face fireplace. Since then, we’ve continued to innovate and inspire as the North American leader in luxury fireplaces.
St. Vrain Block Company
Over the years, St. Vrain Block Company has built a reputation on producing high-quality structural block, retaining wall systems, patio stones and pavers. We routinely submit our block for testing to ensure that our products meet and exceed the ASTM specifications.
US Mix
US MIX has made an imprint in the industry which continues to grow. We currently have manufacturing plants in Denver, CO and Fontana, CA.
Wire Bond
Innovative products for the masonry industry that are durable, save time and money, and are easy to handle and install.
York Manufacturing Inc.
York Flashings is the inventor of flexible stainless steel fabric flashing, stainless steel self-adhering flashing, drainage plane flashing, non-asphaltic copper fabric flashing and the original copper fabric flashing.